
Lastpass family sharing
Lastpass family sharing

lastpass family sharing

  • You’ll need to logon to your account from a browser and look for the rescue icon at the lower left and click to get started.
  • Of course, you will have talked to the person in advance!

    lastpass family sharing

    If the person you choose doesn’t have one, the invitation will explain this to them and give some instructions on how to set it up.

  • Your recipient will need a LastPass account.
  • there’s no need to download a pdf and write things out. The LastPass Emergency feature is handled all on-line, i.e. I recalled some kind of Emergency Access feature, so I went to investigate that. I use LastPass to manage my digital life and I use it for my business to manage all the various accounts I set up for my clients. This gives our family member(s) the ability to log in to pay bills, find accounts for insurance, etc.

    lastpass family sharing

    Using this feature allows a trusted person to ask for and after a waiting period, get access to our passwords in the event we can not. This week, we’re going to talk about using LastPass’ Emergency Access feature.

    Lastpass family sharing